Book of Remembrance online database at the Nova Scotia Archives
A Vision of Regeneration
Virtual exhibit about the explosion and reconstruction by the Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management
HRM Municipal Archives historical sources on the Halifax Explosion
Detailed documentation of Halifax and Dartmouth's response to the Explosion provided through links to digitized copies of the original historical records.
Library and Archives Canada thematic guide to the Halifax Explosion
This guide consists of specific archival references and a selected bibliography relating to the Halifax Explosion of 1917.
Historica Canada Heritage Minutes: Halifax Explosion
Train dispatcher Vincent Coleman sacrifices his own life to save a train from the Halifax Explosion.
RUSI(NS) Military Response to the Halifax Explosion
An overview of the crucial and underappreciated efforts of Army and Navy personnel in the aftermath of the Explosion.
Pilot Francis Mackey and the Halifax Explosion
Pilot Francis Mackey was one of the individuals who were unfairly blamed for the disaster. His side of the story has never been told.”
CBC Halifax Explosion Web Site
A large and interactive site on the explosion and its effect on the people of Halifax.