Titanic: The Brothers Peracchio – Two Boys and a Dream

June 26, 2018

7:00 pm (second floor AV theatre)

The tragic history of RMS Titanic has fascinated people for over a century. As a young woman, author Angelica Harris was mesmerized by the stories she had heard about the passenger liner, that foundered in the North Atlantic Ocean during her maiden voyage, told at the dinner table by her uncle. Little did Harris know that on one particular day, her uncle would ask her to become the family historian and find out what happened to his older brothers. That day became a journey of discovery of her family legacy that would evolve into her writing about the catastrophic voyage.

Titanic: The Brothers Peracchio—Two Boys and a Dream, the second edition of Angelica Harris’ book about the Per­acchio brothers. This book is the true story of Angelica Harris’ uncles Alberto and Sebastiano Peracchio who were from Fubine, Alessandria, Italy. The Peracchio Brothers were crewmem­bers on the RMS Titanic in the À la Carte Restaurant owned and managed by Luigi Gatti, a renowned chef, restaurateur, and entrepreneur. Angelica’s story is about these great men who perished with the Great Lady of the Sea, the RMS Titanic. This June she takes a venture of a lifetime to Halifax, Nova Scotia to launch her book at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, with the help of Deanna Ryan-Meister, Harris’ executive editor and historical consultant, and her husband Neil Meister who designed the second edition of this book. Harris is returning a year after her first visit to Halifax and will join fellow Titanic Society of Atlantic Canada (TSAC) members at the Titanic International Conference at the Lord Nelson Hotel in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

“This book is an emotional journey.” said Angelica. “It is a 42-year search for my uncles at the request of their younger brother, and my uncle Modesto Peracchio. This book I promise is not only an educational tool to be used in schools and Titanic organizations as it is also steeped in our family legacy, and in the history of the ship, with full reference and cited works. A great tool for any history buff or student researching a paper. 

Angelica Harris is a successful author, en­trepreneur, advocate and speaker. Harris Founded the Excalibur Reading Program in 2005, where for the past 13 years has worked with special needs children, as well as educa­tional enrichment for all grades, and socially challenged youths through the District Attorney’s office. Her program has been reviewed as “The tutoring center with heart.” Harris is a Medieval Historian and is the author of the Excalibur Book Series.  She is currently a student at Fordham University PCS School of Professional Studies, enrolled in the Bachelors of Fine Arts Degree (BFA) Program.

For additional information:
Richard MacMichael