Monday March 13

The Quest for Crafts

10:00am – 4:00pm

Come experience a crafty quest through the beautiful Canadian North! There are crafts available every day for children of all ages. Come create a unique work of art inspired by the Aurora Borealis, make your own set of snow googles and be pulled to build a miniature dog sleigh. Use your crafts to create your own Canadian North diorama when you get back home.   


Arctic Winter Games

10:00am – 4:00pm

Join a museum interpreter this March Break to explore some traditional Inuit games as part of our Arctic Quest activities. Try your hand at Knuckle Hop, Back Push and One Foot High Kick. These games are taught to develop physical and mental skills needed to survive in the harsh climate of the Canadian Arctic, and are played competitively at the Arctic Winter Games every two years.


Arctic Survival Sledge Challenge

10:00am – 4:00pm

You’re in trouble! Horses were of no use in the heavy snow of Canada’s North and the last of your sled dogs just ran away. To make matters worse, your ship is stuck in heavy ice. You have to get to your base camp, which is ten miles away. Arctic explorers often had to pull their own sledges across snow and ice using harnesses. It was hard work – are you up to the challenge?

Put on your harness and trek across our Small Craft Gallery as part of your Arctic Quest!


Underwater Archaeology Adventure

10:00am – 12:00pm

Did you know that there are at least 25,000 shipwrecks off the coast of Nova Scotia? The earliest dates to 1583! Stop by our underwater archaeology adventure station and learn about the exciting world of the divers who have brought some amazing pieces of our maritime heritage back to the surface. You’ll explore some fascinating artifacts from our collection and get to play history detective as you piece together the stories of some of Nova Scotia’s many wrecks.


Curator Cristo’s Curio Cabinet

10:00am – 12:00pm

and 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Draw near and feast your eyes on a curious collection of oceanic oddities, marvelous mammals and items from the inky depths! You’ll see awesome and amazing things such as the skulls of a polar bear, leatherback sea turtle and a walrus as well as shark jaws, sea horses and sea birds. Rarest and most impressive of all is a fossilized tooth of the fearsome pre-historic shark, Megalodon! The Curator will be on hand to answer your questions and test your own knowledge of various creatures of the deep.


Warehouse Theatre

10:00am – 12:00pm

and 1:30 – 4:00pm

Tales, History, Adventure and Vintage fun for everyone! Delve into the rich films of the Nova Scotia Archives and National Film Board of Canada! Films will run continuously throughout the day, stop by for a few minutes or an hour … its up to you.


Franklin’s Legacy – The Search for the HMS Erebus

1:00pm – 4:00pm

Come and join us for an adventure under the sea as we discover the mysteries and misadventures of the great Sir John Franklin Expedition on the HMS Erebus. You will discover some of the lost treasures found during this recent and magnificent discovery.